Canadian Friends of Finland (Toronto)
Devoted to the promotion of friendship, understanding and cooperation between the peoples of Canada and Finland.
Time: Monday, February 23, 2015 at 7:00 pm
Place: newly renovated Innis College, University of Toronto
2 Sussex Avenue, St George subway, parking garage
across from Robarts Library on St George St.
Please reserve tickets in advance (for pick up at the door)
CFF members $10, Non-members $15 – see ticket area below
Or leave message (name, phone number and number of tickets) by phone 416-730-8350
Refreshments – Coffee – Pulla
Next CFF film evening will be March 19. Mark your calendars!
Membership/renewal forms for 2015 will be mailed out shortly. Please consider renewing on-line now to save us postage. We look forward to your continued support and participation in our upcoming events!